Wednesday, October 11, 2006

News from Belize - October 2006

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus from Belize, Central America,

We are so happy to report the blessings of the Lord here in the country of Belize. We have been blessed to have several anointed ministers with us during the last several months. We are so grateful for the ministries that the Lord sends our way. The ministers always confirm what has been taught and preached before they came. Of course this is the purpose of the five fold ministries -for the perfecting of the saints. It is so exciting when you can see newborn saints growing from the teaching of Gods’ word. The digging out of a new church is tiresome and can drain you both physically and mentally.
But it is also the most renewing and refreshing thing there is to get the spirit soaring, is to see one growing in the Holy Ghost and receiving revelations that are relevant to spiritual growth. We know that Apostolic preaching works. Nothing can build up, strengthen, and make a strong church better than preaching. This is why we appreciate the ministry that comes down and ministers to us.
We were blessed as Pastor James Townley and family from Jennings, La. and Pastor and Sis. Jeff Phillips of DeRidder, La., paid us a visit and preached under such anointing. We had ten to receive the Holy Ghost in the crusade that we had with these brethren. Most of these that received the Holy Ghost were from our new work in Los Flores. This was agreat boost to the work there. Our ministers were enriched as we held a special session for them and they received sound teaching from both pastors. This session ended with a great time of prayer and travail. Sis. Phillips also blessed our ladies with a time of teaching for them. Family Camp just seems to get better and better each year. We had twenty to receive the Holy Ghost during our three-day camp. There was a great outpouring of His Spirit everyday. The last night of our camp was so powerful, with people receiving the Holy Ghost all over theTabernacle. People were laid out all over the floor speaking in tongues as God gave them utterance. Some may even compare it to Azusa Street but I would go all the way back to Acts the second chapter.
We had three couples that came to camp that were unmarried and were living in adultery. God convicted their hearts and I had my first three-couple wedding. The night after the wedding most of these prayed through. Thank you, Pastor Allen Upton and Sis. Upton from Sulphur, La. for coming down and preaching and teaching for our camp. Pastor Upton taughtour men daily while Sis. Upton taught our women. This was our first focused teaching session for our camp and it was awesome. Evangelist John Boone and family of Jayess, Ms. also came to be with us for family camp. Evangelist Boone was our night speaker and he was connected in the Holy Ghost. Evangelist Boone is a full time evangelist and we realize the sacrifice it was for him and his family to come here. For us, I assure you whatever the cost, it was worth it. Eternity will tell the story.Thanks, Bro and Sis. Boone, Savannah and Trenton for coming. Here in Belize, your name will always have a special meaning. We love you!
Our deep appreciation goes to Sis. Allison Stout for coming and having a special youth project for all the children during camp. Sis Allison is from Pastor Townley’s church in Jennings, La and she spent the summer with us and was a blessing to us all. Sis. Allison, you are special in Belize. Thanks Bro Townley for allowing her to come. Thanks Bro. and Sis. Stoute for letting your “baby” come to be with us for a second time. Our Christian school is up and running into our second year and is doing great. This year we have 40 students. We again announce this year that we are using ACE curriculum and are always searching for paces and material for the school. We are always in need of these things. While I understand that for some people Christian School is not all that wonderful, I will tell you it has been the salvation of our children. I would not trade it for anything. Please, if you have a burden for Christian schools and would like to help in the financial support of these children, it would be of a great blessing to our mission. Belize is a third world country and our people are very poor. Our school is offering them hope in this world and the world to come. We are excited to have Bro. Rick and Sis. Sherrina Montz from Sulphur, La., here working with us in the school this year. These are first class folks and they are being a big help to the mission. What has been done in the work of God here in Belize would not have been possible were it not for our supporters who have faithfully supported us in finances and prayer. Only eternity will tell the story of how many souls have been reached because you have been willing to share our burden. “GO is still in the Gospel!!!" While all cannot go, you have made it possible for the Joiner family to work for God in Belize, Central America. God Bless You All.

Your Missionaries to Belize,
The Joiner Family

“We are carried on the shoulders of those who cannot see the landscape we describe. But we owe them far more than our weight.”

If you are not already a part of the revival in Belize and would like to be a part, please pray daily for Belize, and if you would like to contribute, please send any offerings to our stateside address:
The Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize
P.O. Box 166 Jeanerette, LA

Foreign Address:
Elder Tim Joiner
P.O. Box 185
Orange Walk, Belize, Central America
PH: 011-501-323-2062